Sunday, August 5, 2007

The "Drug War" And the Pesky Ol' Constitution

I have spent the past 21 years trying to help folks get off or stay off drugs. I am not for drug use. But I am for things like probable cause, due process, etc. A blog that I have in my links called "I was the State" is owned by a former prosecutor, who is now a criminal defense attorney. He blogs often about the fallacies of the so called drug war. IWTS against drug prohibition, maintaining that the drugs which are now illegal should be legal and regulated, much like alcohol. There is a lot to be said for this argument, although I wouldn't flat out advocate it without some research. It is not politically feasible at the moment, anyway. But in the future, I want to talk about the fiasco at Tulia, Texas and it's implications. Most importantly, the fact that Tulia was not an isolated event. It happens every day on a smaller scale. That has probably improved since the demise, (or semi-demise) of the "task forces", which got so bad that even Rick Perry couldn't stomach them anymore. That, my friends is pretty bad. More later.